As a virgin young woman, graduating high school, I started to work. There had been a woman that said a black man "really liked" me. I believed it. He had been looking at me with agreeable nods. And one evening he said he had friends that required their girlfriends to have sex with their friends to prove loyalty. I ended my interest. And learned of another woman. I had been about eighteen. I knew she had been maybe fourteen. I had been a senior the year before, prior to the time she had been a freshman. And the man had been in his twenties best I knew.
I grew up with some Church of Christ upbringing, strict, monogamous.[1] I went to school after graduating, studied art, graduated with honors, lived in a ladies dormitory adjacent to a Catholic church, quiet, safe. It had a parlor. I graduated and went to work. And again there had been a man making overtures. I had taken him seriously. So I was startled by the advances when I heard he was married. And one day he offered to set me up as "pretty baby"--it brought a quick end. I was nearly suicidal with grief that my standards were so violated. Sexual harassment is preying on another employee. I was a young woman fresh out of school, an honors graduate, looking to build a life and successful relationship. What I encountered at times were more akin to predators.[2]
There had been those that attempted to obligate me as a surrogate sexually for their relationships. I said no.[3]
Always monogamous, I never had any intention but to meet and marry a respectable spouse.
"Dangers children face online: Dateline hidden camera investigation turns spotlight on Internet predators," Dateline NBC--"Steve, 35, thinks he's got a hot date with a 14-year-old girl. Instead he'll be meeting Dateline NBC correspondent Chris Hansen."
In recent years I once planted a garden for my mother to enjoy while I had been caring for her during the summer. I removed all the old remains of dead weeds overgrown from last year. And I removed all the old and new dandelions appearing. I dug out the old brick patio areas and laid new ones, adding peat moss and fresh dirt to replace some of the hardened soil. I made neat rows and planted many seeds for herbs, vegetables, morning glories, and flowers. And I put in a fish pool to be enjoyable for watching. I had an enjoyable time before and after.
But the wicked-looking neighbor cats defiling my new tended garden were not "happening." Their remains were evicted right back in their direction where they belonged. It was NOT his garden. I did not want defilers in my garden.
I don't want no cat in my garden. The remains he might leave wearing.
I don't want defilement in my garden. I do not agree.
I remember the story of Ahab. He had kept his mouth shut when Jezebel had arranged the murder of Naboth (I Kings 21:5-15). Naboth had refused to sell his garden, a vineyard (I Kings 21:3). Ahab acquiesced to the way of his wife (I Kings 21:16). It was the moment judgment came to Ahab (I Kings 21:17-19, II Kings 9:26) God desired for Ahab to be His representative, to represent His standards. But Naboth the innocent man was killed, by slander (I Kings 21:13).
Ahab was king and should have protected God's interests. Instead he acquiesced to the evil of Jezebel and God condemned Ahab first (I Kings 21:17-22, I Peter 4:17).
They were stabbing God in the back. Isn't that the way God saw Ahab? Ahab and Jezebel slandered the godly holy man tending his vineyard (I Kings 21:10). Ahab was king and should have protected God's interests. Instead he acquiesced to the evil of Jezebel and God condemned Ahab first (I Kings 21:17-22, I Peter 4:17). God expects His servants to speak up for His standards.
"If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?" PROVERBS 24:11-12.
God will not only judge the idolatrous, He will judge silent compromisers.
I am learning in gardening. In life sometimes there is a lot of dirt slinging. We are working in rows along side some who seem to be getting manure on our side of the line a whole lot more often than it seems to be getting on their's. And getting around those kind of folk you can down right find yourself in knee deep. It can be "defiling." But remember manure can be fertilizer. They are rowing and hoeing and whose knowing? And it can get pretty deep. It can make you feel like gladiolus bulbs down in the end of summer. It can get dark down in there. Those slinging dirt and manure consider you dead and buried.
But flowers resurface. And it doesn't take a lot of discernment to tell the difference between the manure, the dirt and the flowers.
[1] F.L. Cross & E.A. Livingstone, The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 3rd. ed., Oxford: University Press, 2005), 1013, 934, 1383; Patrick K. O'Brien, Encyclopedia of World History (New York: Facts On File, 2000), 247; Daniel G. Reid, Dictionary of Christianity in America (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1990), 2, 3, 6, 7, 277. In 1517 Martin Luther nailed the “Ninety-five Theses” to the church door in Wittenberg (Cross, 1013), in 1607 Jamestown had been established (Reid, 2), and the King James Bible had not been published until 1611 (Cross, 934). The Protestant Reformation had made the way for the translation (Cross, 1383). Later Pilgrims settled at Plymouth in 1620 (Reid, 3), the American Revolution began in 1775 (Reid, 6), and the Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States by 1803 (O'Brien, 247). Colonization had established a myriad of churches in America by the 1800's--Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Anabaptist forms (Reid, 2), and the Second Great Awakening occurred, 1800-1861 (Reid, 7). The Churches of Christ were formed as a result of the Restoration Movement, were first recognized as a group at the time of the census in 1906, and were noted by Alexander Campbell in Millennial Harbinger (Reid, 277).
[2] "What Is Sexual Harassment: Examples of Sexually Harassing Behaviors,"; available from; Internet; accessed 30 April 2008; "A Regional Comparative Legal Analysis of Sex Trafficking and Sex Tourism," The Protection Project; available from; Internet; accessed 30 April 2008; "Legal Definition of Accessory," Black's Law Dictionary, 6th ed.; available from; Internet; accessed 30 April 2008.
[3] Threat from predators preying on singles, teens, similarly was cited by Dateline. Chris Hansen, "Dangers children face online: Dateline hidden camera investigation turns spotlight on Internet predators," Dateline NBC; available from; Internet; accessed 1 May 2008.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Childhood Traumas
I am next to the oldest among seven children. I had little brothers who were two and three when I started high school, the youngest, born in 1974, came, with joy, after I graduated. I had grown up a "tomboy," A and B student, backward, quiet. I had walked a tight rope (a clothes line), had a trapeze, from a tree, and crossed the steel arch of a bridge over the top on the way home from grade school--daring--until Mom curbed my habit. No sexual history exists in my life other than a few cases on one hand and two. There were immemorable moments and a little enjoyable dating over 27 years ago. I am not involved sexually, no self-arousal and no pornographic involvement (grieved by pornography).[1] I grew up a wall flower, late bloomer (did not go to the prom), and graduated high school in 1973. I turned 54 in April and have been writing on the topic of sexuality, in part because of circumstances, at times threatening--my identity was stolen, and a porn site started using my full name. I was saved and baptized in the Holy Ghost in 1984, and have been writing on the topic as an adult, single, observing things culturally.
It had come to my attention there are rising autistic disorders. It had been cited in USA Today.[2] Reuters Health stated (2000) at McLean Hospital, Belmont, Massachusetts, Dr. Martin H. Teicher identified damage to brain function and structure in children mistreated in childhood.[3] There was increased likelihood of seizures in cases of those who had been mistreated. And it came to my attention children raping children is an increasing problem. It had been reported in California's Madera Tribune (2005) stating,
"Reports of children sexually assaulting children seem unfathomable but all over the nation, law enforcement agencies and therapists are seeing not only an increase in the number of cases but are amazed at what children today know about the subject of sex."[4]
The danger of damaging the learning ability of children, America's future citizens, by adults or other children imposing on and attacking them sexually, by molestation, sodomy or rape is great concern. So I recalled I had autistic-like characteristics. I had difficulty at the age of second grade. The teacher asked me to introduce myself to the class and found I could not speak. I had not been able to form the words at the moment. Later I learned it is a characteristic autistic children face.[5]
I was an A and B student, yet faced challenges through my high school years. When I was saved and baptized in the Holy Ghost (1984) God improved my communication ability, but prior I had difficulty at times trying to speak. I scored high for mechanical reasoning in high school aptitude tests--in the 90's--and low in math, in the 20's. It is disparity.
So hearing of rising autistic disorders, I recall I had been molested. I had been 3 or 4 (grieved) imposed on, bullied, in a non-violent incident by two boys about a foot taller. I felt nearly despairing not long ago when I looked at a photo. The oldest had been hanging over me. I realized he had been plotting what I considered to be putrid abomination.
An aunt, stooping down, demanded what he had done. And I, terrorized by that time, did not have the ability to answer. I was backward and became ill while distressed in school during elementary years. I hid under the concrete stairwell during recess, the teacher BEGGING me to come out.
So regarding molestation, the younger did not do more I recall. It seemed to be a childhood incident only. And the older attempted to handle me in 2005 saying, "Come on blondie, come on, come on, come on....." So I told him right there, and right then, that I would do no such thing. (Alarmed, I put a letter in writing asking that he keep his hands to him, being loose with himself as he was.) That had been heinous to me that he was trying to impose his "dirty mind." That had been very "inferior standards." "What had he been trying to prove?" I asked.
"What kind of man would you be, as a Church of Christ person," I thought, "to behave that way?" I did not ever see the other women or men there act that way toward a person not their spouse.
I never had anything sexually to do with him.
And thought, "Well, the judgment of God here" (Romans 13:3-4)--God cannot consider that evil as if that is standards I would have anything to do with. Surely God cannot expect, and does not expect, me to act as if that evil against my standards is the constitution I have, or that that behavior has anything to do with me. I am a strict virgin type person, doing nothing sexually at all. And there are those that are more involved in a day than I have ever been in my entire life time. I was disgusted. And I had been repelled by callousness toward me years ago--so repelled it begs for description.
So that was ludicrous to me, considering the idea against my standards. To me that was like the alcholic that would attempt to demand the rest of the Earth has to have their drinking problem, as if the rest of the Earth drinks three fifths of vodka that day. Those forcing, imposing, are violating my standards.
So regarding the idea against me sexually, it is/was grievous, extremely. That would be criminal attack to do such things (Romans 13:3-4). A relationship would be strictly by my personal governance of myself, privately speaking (the man "pleases" his wife in exousia, speaking of the wife's governance personally, not speaking in reference to any evil sexually, not requiring sodomy, but speaking of her personal governance of her arousal sexually; as there are those attempting to defraud that governance; and there are those that are not "pleasing" women sometimes, and as a former pastor warned there are those that are at times torturing women, and horror of horrors, throwing the women into catatonic states, not arousal, it is a tortured condition and abuse; I Corinthians 7:4, 33), so my governance is by my chosing, if I decide to marry. I fight disrespectful advances off. I am not involved sexually. Monogamous, I am not for evil to be done to.
So regarding the incident in question, I never appreciated him attempting to do anything to me sexually.
I have never appreciated him trying to hang all over me. I considered getting on the cell phone and calling his pastor to leave a message and have him listen in.
The attempt to extract from me the wife's responsibility is trafficking I considered.[6] And according to scripture affronts by relatives are labeled evil (Leviticus 18:6-18). That would be criminal if there were a relative that said I had anything to do with them sexually. I never did.
I am monogamous. Being single, related, I told him I would do no such thing. There was his wife.
It is trafficking if there are those attempting to impose on my professional life, that are attempting to impose by stealing my finances, or whatever. For my identity had been stolen. There are signs of stalking.
There are those that have the idea that the gospel is for those that are trying to keep their crimes secret to use to "whitewash" guilt related to the crime and they may think if they join a church that takes care of it and they do not have to go to prison and so on. That may be in part because there are those that teach error and present the idea that it is all covered and it may be error taught unwittingly, but it is error. They need to be told that the rape of a child or anyone, the murder of a child, or of anyone, or the robbing of banks and so on is not "whitewashed" by saying they became a Christian. That is the reason stories are relayed occasionally in which a person was saved and gave their life to Christ and had been convicted by the Holy Ghost and were urged by the conviction of God that they had to turn themselves in.
A real salvation means the Spirit of God takes residence and He will require God's standards of a person. If there is not conviction they are none of His (Romans 8:9).
I remember as a child being in the Church of Christ. They taught restitution. That is the reason.
There are those that attempt to steal from the women, to keep them from having finances and so on because they are planning to try to arrange their life in a hut and so forth because they are not wanting sex with their wife anymore or other reason and are deliberately trying to treat the woman like they are a plastic thing they are wanting to just have the set of sex organs of. That is grave, "sicko." Their situation God does not see as sin if someone is deliberately trying to ruin their life. Being attacked of course is not low standards on our part. The person attacked is not the one that sinned.
Attack of course is not low standards on our part.
It is possible to be attacked and so totally violated in our standards that there is brain damage. Brain damage from convulsing in attack causes memory damage. "Denial" is memory damage, brain damage, that there was such horrific imposition.[7] There are drugs used to attack women also which cause memory damage. There are women attacked that are not cognizant until pictures of that attack turn up in police sting operations. The Michigan State Police web site states,
"Many of the victims were unaware they had been assaulted until they identified themselves in photographs that had been seized by law enforcement officials."[8]
I woke up one morning with hair cut off behind my ear. In addition there were other indicators. And a porn site started using my full name.
In the Bible I recalled the story of Amnon. He attacked Tamar (II Samuel 13:14). Like others she was seeking to marry whom she would love and care for. She had colored garments that celebrated her virginity (II Samuel 13:18). And Amnon attacked, blaming her to boot (II Samuel 13:15).
Now, although Absalom had been labeled a bad guy, more than likely he had been the more sane, for he instituted capital punishment (II Samuel 13:32). He had Amnon killed.
I pondered what God might have thought of Absalom. For he followed the basic principle of Leviticus 18:6-18 and Exodus 21:14.
God in cases approved capital punishment (Exodus 21:14). He brings judgment (Romans 13:3-4). There are cases in the Old and New Testament (Genesis 19:11, I Corinthians 5:5, Acts 13:10-11, 12:23, I Timothy 1:20; Acts 8:20-24; Daniel 4:33, 5:4-5, 23-28, Acts 9:4-5, 8, 5:3, 5, 10, Luke 17:29-30, 18:7, I John 2:28, 3:3, Revelation 2:5, 6:10). He had labeled what occurred against Tamar in Leviticus 18:6-18. I pondered what God might have thought of Absalom. For he followed the basic principle of Leviticus 18:6-18 and Exodus 21:14. Absalom did him in (II Samuel 13:22,28).
God judged too the acts of Sodom, in Genesis, for example (Genesis 19:4-5, Ezekiel 16:49, Romans 1:26-27). There He used fire and brimstone (Genesis 19:24). And they were attempting things similar to that which Amnon had done (II Samuel 13:14). A mob in Genesis 19 attempted to attack angels that had come to warn of impending judgment (Genesis 19:4-5). They attempted to break in the door (Genesis 19:9).
God judged with fire, and brimstone, a rare occurrence, but Jesus mentioned it as characteristic of conditions and the judgments that would occur at His coming (Genesis 19:24, Luke 17:29-30). God does not require submission to evil (Romans 13:3-4).
At the time of the affront in 2005 my head had been jerked, hands over my eyes, jerking back, as had occurred before. And I was injured. Due to injuries there is a quarter of an inch to a half an inch space between my upper and lower teeth (in the rear). I need surgery. The jerks to my head that are abuse and bullying causing injury is not TMJ.
In the incident early in life there had been scheming by older yet bigger boys I did not know, pointing me out, saying they were going to do something to me with a narrow olive bottle. I did not know what that would mean. I had done nothing wrong. I was a lot smaller and could not speak well.
They said they needed to get me away from my mother, needed to make sure adults did not find out. I was frightened.
Growing up I had told my mother I would stay home. I was pinned on the sofa by different people. Later my breasts were grabbed. That is gross sexual imposition.[9] In the childhood incident adults were reacting. I had been bullied, cornered, by the foot taller, bigger, children.
There were other traumatizing things that happened in my life. I was hit in the eye with a baseball bat in my junior high years. I "number 2'd" in my pants in second grade--in class (a teacher would not call on me to let me go to the bathroom and ignored my hand when I raised it for the pass). Mom marched to the school pants in hand. And there had been a grass fire as a toddler. It stopped at a narrow dirt lane.
Great traumas inhibit not only developmental ability but also memory, and growth. So attacked children are incapacitated by assaults committed against them, horrified. It is not cooperation. It is damage, neurologically, evidenced by research.[10] They are not able to function. And they are hindered in their memory ability--as in the case of traumatic stress disorder. Are attacks, sodomizing, raping or otherwise violating children, causing increasing autistic-like conditions?
In light of statistics I am concerned.
[1] I am grieved also by seeing those stealing, cussing, and really repelled at those that are trying to get done to me their ideas, and I don't agree. I never crave jewelry, I don't see it as a sin really. But I do not have that focus toward jewelry. Similarly, I never crave a mall, or shopping for things, though I do go shopping. I prefer natural things. I prefer a few used things at times because they are laundered, fresher. I try to avoid chemicals against my skin. I am fair. I have had poisoning by the sun, my eyes, swelling shut. I get sun poisoning, and guard my skin carefully. Also I am grieved by the toxic dyes plus the artificial ingredients that are in foods. I avoid them. I did not ever smoke cigarettes. There had been a man that attempted to get me to smoke marijuana. I passed. I never eat pork after I learned they are scavengers that eat rodents that carry parasites. I live as a strict holiness person, best I can. I never appreciated attempts where there had been those seeking ideas like sodomy. And I shared with a woman that is a little older that I will not be married if that is all there is among men. Anal sex, that is attack as far as I am concerned. I never would want anything to do with it, and never any sodomite ideas. I had talked a particular day about bawling and crying. Bawling is about crying, like a baby cries. I heard it said there is danger for the young women living holy in that they are being misinterpreted when the pornographic minded that are deviant-minded are near them. There are depraved, pornographic minded that are deviants mangling their organs. Cited by CNN, regarding a particular case, "sexually assaulting his 8-year-old stepdaughter in her bed. In addition to severe emotional trauma, the attack caused internal injuries and bleeding to the child, requiring extensive surgery;" Bill Mears, "High court split over execution of child rapists,";; Internet; accessed 10 May 2008. Consequently they are ending in the death penalty possibly in cases; "Court weighs death for child rapists: Is execution appropriate or cruel and unusual punishment?" MSNBC, available from; Internet; accessed 5 May 2008. Those that are sexual addicts are like alcoholics that think everybody is not able to control their drinking. That is not the case.
[2] Anita Manning, "Autism disorders affecting 1 in 150," USA Today (8 February 2007); available from; Internet; accessed 29 August 2007.
[3] E. Patten-Hitt, "Childhood Abuse Changes the Developing Brain," Yahoo! News (29 December 2000); available from; Internet; accessed 29 August 2007.
[4] "Secret is out about children raping children," Madera Tribune (12 February 2005); available from; Internet; accessed 29 August 2007.
[5] Alan Sohn and Cathy Grayson, Parenting Your Asperger Child: Individualized Solutions for Teaching Your Child Practical Skills (New York: Penguin Group, 2005), 3.
[6] "A Regional Comparative Legal Analysis of Sex Trafficking and Sex Tourism," The Protection Project; available from; Internet; accessed 30 April 2008.
[7] J. Douglas Bremner, M.D., "The Invisible Epidemic: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Memory and the Brain," the Doctor will see you now; available from; Internet; accessed 2 May 2008.
[8] "Rape Drug Awareness," Michigan State Police; available from; Internet; accessed 2 May 2008. Abomination of anal sex, sodomite attack, is damaging, evil, a stabbing, to the colon. Abomination, sodomite attack, left damage, agony when going to the bathroom for decades in my personal case, had caused a seizure possibly, due to convulsing against the terrible agony and imposition, that caused such agonizing damage to my internal organs, and apparently caused memory damage, but left evidence, or there were drugs imposed to incapacitate me, to force a drugged attack. That is evil I never had anything to do with. And never should any advocate that there is obligation to cooperate with the abomination. There had been a woman, a church associate, that advocated that if a husband wanted the behavior that I would be obligated. That I see as a very heretical idea. That individual, or any, cannot say they do not want to participate in that behavior themselves, but then turn and attempt to assign that behavior to myself because someone said, or might have said, they would like to do that to me. God never demands agreement with evil He already labeled abomination (Romans 1:26, 13:3-4). Cults force sex or other behaviors, attempting to obligate the women in some manner in regards to sex as had occurred among Mormons; "Officials say bed in polygamist compound used for child sex," Yahoo News; available from; Internet; accessed 5 May 2008. Also note, "Court weighs death for child rapists: Is execution appropriate or cruel and unusual punishment?" MSNBC, available from; Internet; accessed 5 May 2008. Forced sex, forced dating, forced relationships, and so forth are trafficking; "a. forced marriages; b. arranged marriages; c. early marriages; d. temporary marriages; e. marriage by catalogue or mail-order bride f. marriage for the purpose of child bearing;" "A Regional Comparative Legal Analysis of Sex Trafficking and Sex Tourism," The Protection Project. Respectable dating is a request if a lady is interested. And there is no demand in scripture that charges not be filed against forced sex. In addition to the threat there are women that have attacked myself personally, due to my hair, naturally blond. There has been little relief. I look forward to having my appearance restored by healing or maxillofacial surgery, for trauma (not TMJ), appearing on x-rays.
[9] "Sexual Assault," Ohio University; available from; Internet; accessed 27 November 2007; "Ohio Personal Injury Lawyer - Assault," Robert W. Kerpsack Co., L.P.A.; available from; Internet; accessed 11 January 2008. Gross sexual imposition, by the Ohio University web site is defined as, "being touched on/in the thigh, genitals, buttocks, pubic region or breasts when force or threat of force was used or the victim's ability to defend was impaired by drugs or alcohol or mental condition." Sexual imposition is defined as, "being touched when the touching is offensive to the victim or when the victim's abilities are impaired." Regarding assault, by Kerpsack Co., it is defined as, "intentional act or threat which instills fear of imminent physical harm," but does not always involve touch. No touching need take place for assault to occur. "If the threat actually becomes a reality in which an individual is non-consensually touched by an object or person, the assault becomes a battery." Scripturally there is no submission to evil required (Romans 13:3-4). There are those that advocate sodomy as required as submission. God never requires submission to evil which He already condemns (Romans 1:26). Sodomy is defined by Webster's Dictionary as, "anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex; also: copulation with an animal." That kind of attack is the abomination of sodomites (Genesis 19:4-5, Romans 1:26). A mob at Sodom attempted to break in the door and assault angels (Genesis 19:9). God determined the damage by sodomites necessitated the death penalty (Genesis 19:13, 15). Forced upon, having organs ripped to shreds is of course not lose of virginity. The one being damaged did not give themselves. That is not lose of virginity. That is not arousal. The attacker had not been "scoring." Damage to internal organs, causing perforations, a kind of stabbing injury, damages vital organs causing hemorrhaging, catatonic states, convulsions, death, or grave injury. The contents by hemorrhaging spilled out are not aroused response. Convulsing is not orgasmic. It results from sickened response, against the abomination, being imposed on, and from puncture of internal organs. Part of the evil of the sodomite is their attempt in demanding they are attractive, sexual attack, then labeling hemorrhaging as aroused response. Jesus cited that the characteristics that resulted in that judgment at Sodom will be evident at the judgment at His second coming (Luke 17:29-30). Fire and brimstone is a rare occurrence in scripture yet cited as characteristic of judgment at Sodom and at the time of the judgment cited in Revelation (9:18, 20-21).
[10] E. Patten-Hitt, "Childhood Abuse Changes the Developing Brain." It should be noted that there are those that attempt to assign blame to the attacked individual as if structural or neurological damage from being attacked is their fault, caused by something they did wrong. That is like blaming someone hit in the head with a baseball bat for that damage, neurological or structural. That is not sound logic.
It had come to my attention there are rising autistic disorders. It had been cited in USA Today.[2] Reuters Health stated (2000) at McLean Hospital, Belmont, Massachusetts, Dr. Martin H. Teicher identified damage to brain function and structure in children mistreated in childhood.[3] There was increased likelihood of seizures in cases of those who had been mistreated. And it came to my attention children raping children is an increasing problem. It had been reported in California's Madera Tribune (2005) stating,
"Reports of children sexually assaulting children seem unfathomable but all over the nation, law enforcement agencies and therapists are seeing not only an increase in the number of cases but are amazed at what children today know about the subject of sex."[4]
The danger of damaging the learning ability of children, America's future citizens, by adults or other children imposing on and attacking them sexually, by molestation, sodomy or rape is great concern. So I recalled I had autistic-like characteristics. I had difficulty at the age of second grade. The teacher asked me to introduce myself to the class and found I could not speak. I had not been able to form the words at the moment. Later I learned it is a characteristic autistic children face.[5]
I was an A and B student, yet faced challenges through my high school years. When I was saved and baptized in the Holy Ghost (1984) God improved my communication ability, but prior I had difficulty at times trying to speak. I scored high for mechanical reasoning in high school aptitude tests--in the 90's--and low in math, in the 20's. It is disparity.
So hearing of rising autistic disorders, I recall I had been molested. I had been 3 or 4 (grieved) imposed on, bullied, in a non-violent incident by two boys about a foot taller. I felt nearly despairing not long ago when I looked at a photo. The oldest had been hanging over me. I realized he had been plotting what I considered to be putrid abomination.
An aunt, stooping down, demanded what he had done. And I, terrorized by that time, did not have the ability to answer. I was backward and became ill while distressed in school during elementary years. I hid under the concrete stairwell during recess, the teacher BEGGING me to come out.
So regarding molestation, the younger did not do more I recall. It seemed to be a childhood incident only. And the older attempted to handle me in 2005 saying, "Come on blondie, come on, come on, come on....." So I told him right there, and right then, that I would do no such thing. (Alarmed, I put a letter in writing asking that he keep his hands to him, being loose with himself as he was.) That had been heinous to me that he was trying to impose his "dirty mind." That had been very "inferior standards." "What had he been trying to prove?" I asked.
"What kind of man would you be, as a Church of Christ person," I thought, "to behave that way?" I did not ever see the other women or men there act that way toward a person not their spouse.
I never had anything sexually to do with him.
And thought, "Well, the judgment of God here" (Romans 13:3-4)--God cannot consider that evil as if that is standards I would have anything to do with. Surely God cannot expect, and does not expect, me to act as if that evil against my standards is the constitution I have, or that that behavior has anything to do with me. I am a strict virgin type person, doing nothing sexually at all. And there are those that are more involved in a day than I have ever been in my entire life time. I was disgusted. And I had been repelled by callousness toward me years ago--so repelled it begs for description.
So that was ludicrous to me, considering the idea against my standards. To me that was like the alcholic that would attempt to demand the rest of the Earth has to have their drinking problem, as if the rest of the Earth drinks three fifths of vodka that day. Those forcing, imposing, are violating my standards.
So regarding the idea against me sexually, it is/was grievous, extremely. That would be criminal attack to do such things (Romans 13:3-4). A relationship would be strictly by my personal governance of myself, privately speaking (the man "pleases" his wife in exousia, speaking of the wife's governance personally, not speaking in reference to any evil sexually, not requiring sodomy, but speaking of her personal governance of her arousal sexually; as there are those attempting to defraud that governance; and there are those that are not "pleasing" women sometimes, and as a former pastor warned there are those that are at times torturing women, and horror of horrors, throwing the women into catatonic states, not arousal, it is a tortured condition and abuse; I Corinthians 7:4, 33), so my governance is by my chosing, if I decide to marry. I fight disrespectful advances off. I am not involved sexually. Monogamous, I am not for evil to be done to.
So regarding the incident in question, I never appreciated him attempting to do anything to me sexually.
I have never appreciated him trying to hang all over me. I considered getting on the cell phone and calling his pastor to leave a message and have him listen in.
The attempt to extract from me the wife's responsibility is trafficking I considered.[6] And according to scripture affronts by relatives are labeled evil (Leviticus 18:6-18). That would be criminal if there were a relative that said I had anything to do with them sexually. I never did.
I am monogamous. Being single, related, I told him I would do no such thing. There was his wife.
It is trafficking if there are those attempting to impose on my professional life, that are attempting to impose by stealing my finances, or whatever. For my identity had been stolen. There are signs of stalking.
There are those that have the idea that the gospel is for those that are trying to keep their crimes secret to use to "whitewash" guilt related to the crime and they may think if they join a church that takes care of it and they do not have to go to prison and so on. That may be in part because there are those that teach error and present the idea that it is all covered and it may be error taught unwittingly, but it is error. They need to be told that the rape of a child or anyone, the murder of a child, or of anyone, or the robbing of banks and so on is not "whitewashed" by saying they became a Christian. That is the reason stories are relayed occasionally in which a person was saved and gave their life to Christ and had been convicted by the Holy Ghost and were urged by the conviction of God that they had to turn themselves in.
A real salvation means the Spirit of God takes residence and He will require God's standards of a person. If there is not conviction they are none of His (Romans 8:9).
I remember as a child being in the Church of Christ. They taught restitution. That is the reason.
There are those that attempt to steal from the women, to keep them from having finances and so on because they are planning to try to arrange their life in a hut and so forth because they are not wanting sex with their wife anymore or other reason and are deliberately trying to treat the woman like they are a plastic thing they are wanting to just have the set of sex organs of. That is grave, "sicko." Their situation God does not see as sin if someone is deliberately trying to ruin their life. Being attacked of course is not low standards on our part. The person attacked is not the one that sinned.
Attack of course is not low standards on our part.
It is possible to be attacked and so totally violated in our standards that there is brain damage. Brain damage from convulsing in attack causes memory damage. "Denial" is memory damage, brain damage, that there was such horrific imposition.[7] There are drugs used to attack women also which cause memory damage. There are women attacked that are not cognizant until pictures of that attack turn up in police sting operations. The Michigan State Police web site states,
"Many of the victims were unaware they had been assaulted until they identified themselves in photographs that had been seized by law enforcement officials."[8]
I woke up one morning with hair cut off behind my ear. In addition there were other indicators. And a porn site started using my full name.
In the Bible I recalled the story of Amnon. He attacked Tamar (II Samuel 13:14). Like others she was seeking to marry whom she would love and care for. She had colored garments that celebrated her virginity (II Samuel 13:18). And Amnon attacked, blaming her to boot (II Samuel 13:15).
Now, although Absalom had been labeled a bad guy, more than likely he had been the more sane, for he instituted capital punishment (II Samuel 13:32). He had Amnon killed.
I pondered what God might have thought of Absalom. For he followed the basic principle of Leviticus 18:6-18 and Exodus 21:14.
God in cases approved capital punishment (Exodus 21:14). He brings judgment (Romans 13:3-4). There are cases in the Old and New Testament (Genesis 19:11, I Corinthians 5:5, Acts 13:10-11, 12:23, I Timothy 1:20; Acts 8:20-24; Daniel 4:33, 5:4-5, 23-28, Acts 9:4-5, 8, 5:3, 5, 10, Luke 17:29-30, 18:7, I John 2:28, 3:3, Revelation 2:5, 6:10). He had labeled what occurred against Tamar in Leviticus 18:6-18. I pondered what God might have thought of Absalom. For he followed the basic principle of Leviticus 18:6-18 and Exodus 21:14. Absalom did him in (II Samuel 13:22,28).
God judged too the acts of Sodom, in Genesis, for example (Genesis 19:4-5, Ezekiel 16:49, Romans 1:26-27). There He used fire and brimstone (Genesis 19:24). And they were attempting things similar to that which Amnon had done (II Samuel 13:14). A mob in Genesis 19 attempted to attack angels that had come to warn of impending judgment (Genesis 19:4-5). They attempted to break in the door (Genesis 19:9).
God judged with fire, and brimstone, a rare occurrence, but Jesus mentioned it as characteristic of conditions and the judgments that would occur at His coming (Genesis 19:24, Luke 17:29-30). God does not require submission to evil (Romans 13:3-4).
At the time of the affront in 2005 my head had been jerked, hands over my eyes, jerking back, as had occurred before. And I was injured. Due to injuries there is a quarter of an inch to a half an inch space between my upper and lower teeth (in the rear). I need surgery. The jerks to my head that are abuse and bullying causing injury is not TMJ.
In the incident early in life there had been scheming by older yet bigger boys I did not know, pointing me out, saying they were going to do something to me with a narrow olive bottle. I did not know what that would mean. I had done nothing wrong. I was a lot smaller and could not speak well.
They said they needed to get me away from my mother, needed to make sure adults did not find out. I was frightened.
Growing up I had told my mother I would stay home. I was pinned on the sofa by different people. Later my breasts were grabbed. That is gross sexual imposition.[9] In the childhood incident adults were reacting. I had been bullied, cornered, by the foot taller, bigger, children.
There were other traumatizing things that happened in my life. I was hit in the eye with a baseball bat in my junior high years. I "number 2'd" in my pants in second grade--in class (a teacher would not call on me to let me go to the bathroom and ignored my hand when I raised it for the pass). Mom marched to the school pants in hand. And there had been a grass fire as a toddler. It stopped at a narrow dirt lane.
Great traumas inhibit not only developmental ability but also memory, and growth. So attacked children are incapacitated by assaults committed against them, horrified. It is not cooperation. It is damage, neurologically, evidenced by research.[10] They are not able to function. And they are hindered in their memory ability--as in the case of traumatic stress disorder. Are attacks, sodomizing, raping or otherwise violating children, causing increasing autistic-like conditions?
In light of statistics I am concerned.
[1] I am grieved also by seeing those stealing, cussing, and really repelled at those that are trying to get done to me their ideas, and I don't agree. I never crave jewelry, I don't see it as a sin really. But I do not have that focus toward jewelry. Similarly, I never crave a mall, or shopping for things, though I do go shopping. I prefer natural things. I prefer a few used things at times because they are laundered, fresher. I try to avoid chemicals against my skin. I am fair. I have had poisoning by the sun, my eyes, swelling shut. I get sun poisoning, and guard my skin carefully. Also I am grieved by the toxic dyes plus the artificial ingredients that are in foods. I avoid them. I did not ever smoke cigarettes. There had been a man that attempted to get me to smoke marijuana. I passed. I never eat pork after I learned they are scavengers that eat rodents that carry parasites. I live as a strict holiness person, best I can. I never appreciated attempts where there had been those seeking ideas like sodomy. And I shared with a woman that is a little older that I will not be married if that is all there is among men. Anal sex, that is attack as far as I am concerned. I never would want anything to do with it, and never any sodomite ideas. I had talked a particular day about bawling and crying. Bawling is about crying, like a baby cries. I heard it said there is danger for the young women living holy in that they are being misinterpreted when the pornographic minded that are deviant-minded are near them. There are depraved, pornographic minded that are deviants mangling their organs. Cited by CNN, regarding a particular case, "sexually assaulting his 8-year-old stepdaughter in her bed. In addition to severe emotional trauma, the attack caused internal injuries and bleeding to the child, requiring extensive surgery;" Bill Mears, "High court split over execution of child rapists,";; Internet; accessed 10 May 2008. Consequently they are ending in the death penalty possibly in cases; "Court weighs death for child rapists: Is execution appropriate or cruel and unusual punishment?" MSNBC, available from; Internet; accessed 5 May 2008. Those that are sexual addicts are like alcoholics that think everybody is not able to control their drinking. That is not the case.
[2] Anita Manning, "Autism disorders affecting 1 in 150," USA Today (8 February 2007); available from; Internet; accessed 29 August 2007.
[3] E. Patten-Hitt, "Childhood Abuse Changes the Developing Brain," Yahoo! News (29 December 2000); available from; Internet; accessed 29 August 2007.
[4] "Secret is out about children raping children," Madera Tribune (12 February 2005); available from; Internet; accessed 29 August 2007.
[5] Alan Sohn and Cathy Grayson, Parenting Your Asperger Child: Individualized Solutions for Teaching Your Child Practical Skills (New York: Penguin Group, 2005), 3.
[6] "A Regional Comparative Legal Analysis of Sex Trafficking and Sex Tourism," The Protection Project; available from; Internet; accessed 30 April 2008.
[7] J. Douglas Bremner, M.D., "The Invisible Epidemic: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Memory and the Brain," the Doctor will see you now; available from; Internet; accessed 2 May 2008.
[8] "Rape Drug Awareness," Michigan State Police; available from; Internet; accessed 2 May 2008. Abomination of anal sex, sodomite attack, is damaging, evil, a stabbing, to the colon. Abomination, sodomite attack, left damage, agony when going to the bathroom for decades in my personal case, had caused a seizure possibly, due to convulsing against the terrible agony and imposition, that caused such agonizing damage to my internal organs, and apparently caused memory damage, but left evidence, or there were drugs imposed to incapacitate me, to force a drugged attack. That is evil I never had anything to do with. And never should any advocate that there is obligation to cooperate with the abomination. There had been a woman, a church associate, that advocated that if a husband wanted the behavior that I would be obligated. That I see as a very heretical idea. That individual, or any, cannot say they do not want to participate in that behavior themselves, but then turn and attempt to assign that behavior to myself because someone said, or might have said, they would like to do that to me. God never demands agreement with evil He already labeled abomination (Romans 1:26, 13:3-4). Cults force sex or other behaviors, attempting to obligate the women in some manner in regards to sex as had occurred among Mormons; "Officials say bed in polygamist compound used for child sex," Yahoo News; available from; Internet; accessed 5 May 2008. Also note, "Court weighs death for child rapists: Is execution appropriate or cruel and unusual punishment?" MSNBC, available from; Internet; accessed 5 May 2008. Forced sex, forced dating, forced relationships, and so forth are trafficking; "a. forced marriages; b. arranged marriages; c. early marriages; d. temporary marriages; e. marriage by catalogue or mail-order bride f. marriage for the purpose of child bearing;" "A Regional Comparative Legal Analysis of Sex Trafficking and Sex Tourism," The Protection Project. Respectable dating is a request if a lady is interested. And there is no demand in scripture that charges not be filed against forced sex. In addition to the threat there are women that have attacked myself personally, due to my hair, naturally blond. There has been little relief. I look forward to having my appearance restored by healing or maxillofacial surgery, for trauma (not TMJ), appearing on x-rays.
[9] "Sexual Assault," Ohio University; available from; Internet; accessed 27 November 2007; "Ohio Personal Injury Lawyer - Assault," Robert W. Kerpsack Co., L.P.A.; available from; Internet; accessed 11 January 2008. Gross sexual imposition, by the Ohio University web site is defined as, "being touched on/in the thigh, genitals, buttocks, pubic region or breasts when force or threat of force was used or the victim's ability to defend was impaired by drugs or alcohol or mental condition." Sexual imposition is defined as, "being touched when the touching is offensive to the victim or when the victim's abilities are impaired." Regarding assault, by Kerpsack Co., it is defined as, "intentional act or threat which instills fear of imminent physical harm," but does not always involve touch. No touching need take place for assault to occur. "If the threat actually becomes a reality in which an individual is non-consensually touched by an object or person, the assault becomes a battery." Scripturally there is no submission to evil required (Romans 13:3-4). There are those that advocate sodomy as required as submission. God never requires submission to evil which He already condemns (Romans 1:26). Sodomy is defined by Webster's Dictionary as, "anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex; also: copulation with an animal." That kind of attack is the abomination of sodomites (Genesis 19:4-5, Romans 1:26). A mob at Sodom attempted to break in the door and assault angels (Genesis 19:9). God determined the damage by sodomites necessitated the death penalty (Genesis 19:13, 15). Forced upon, having organs ripped to shreds is of course not lose of virginity. The one being damaged did not give themselves. That is not lose of virginity. That is not arousal. The attacker had not been "scoring." Damage to internal organs, causing perforations, a kind of stabbing injury, damages vital organs causing hemorrhaging, catatonic states, convulsions, death, or grave injury. The contents by hemorrhaging spilled out are not aroused response. Convulsing is not orgasmic. It results from sickened response, against the abomination, being imposed on, and from puncture of internal organs. Part of the evil of the sodomite is their attempt in demanding they are attractive, sexual attack, then labeling hemorrhaging as aroused response. Jesus cited that the characteristics that resulted in that judgment at Sodom will be evident at the judgment at His second coming (Luke 17:29-30). Fire and brimstone is a rare occurrence in scripture yet cited as characteristic of judgment at Sodom and at the time of the judgment cited in Revelation (9:18, 20-21).
[10] E. Patten-Hitt, "Childhood Abuse Changes the Developing Brain." It should be noted that there are those that attempt to assign blame to the attacked individual as if structural or neurological damage from being attacked is their fault, caused by something they did wrong. That is like blaming someone hit in the head with a baseball bat for that damage, neurological or structural. That is not sound logic.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Considering Measures of Consciousness
The issues of consciousness and personhood addressed in the U.S. Constitution are related. To show the unborn are conscious reverses Roe v. Wade according to the ruling.[1] The issue of consciousness had been observed during the Terri Schiavo case. She "flat"-lined on EEG readings.[2]
Considering Christian Teaching
I have heard those presenting Christian views who doubt assertions that consciousness is by the spirit. They fall prey to atheistic ideas. Yet Christian teaching explains we are not conscious by our brain. We are conscious by our spirit. Holding to Biblical views, agreeing with Jesus' Christ teaching, there is life beyond the tomb (Revelation 6:11). "The body without the spirit is dead" (James 2:26). There is consciousness after death (Matthew 17:3, 27:52-53, Luke 23:43, II Corinthians 12:2).
Consciousness Without EEG
The physical signs of life are indicative and not the whole of life. The physical signs are not the entirety of man's existence. So in modern and post-modern times there are cases of near-death experiences that have cited conscious thought processes where no EEG readings are present.[3] The argument I believe was held by Terri Schiavo's parents. They possibly witnessed "out of body" experiences. While her husband contested. And great argument ensued.
Consciousness With EEG
But consider, in 2005 alone, over 100,000 people died with EEG greater than that EEG debated by the Court at the time of the Terri Schiavo case. Those killed, unborn, had greater EEG, which was apparently acknowledged by the Court as indication of conscious thought, as they reviewed EEG, EEG being used in part to determine the decision in her case, and the persons, 2005, with greater EEG lost their lives with relatively little notice.[4]
If Terri Schiavo had the same EEG as 22 week gestation infants would she still be here today?
This following letter to the editor had summarized. I had written in the paper's 600 word format:
Regarding Roe v. Wade (1973), the United States Supreme Court said, "If the suggestion of personhood is established, the appellants' case (for abortion), of course, collapses, for the fetus' right to life would be guaranteed specifically by the (Fourteenth) Amendment."[5] The debate regarding consciousness was revisited during Schiavo. The level of debate demonstrated that it is understood that conscious awareness is accepted as the point where we acknowledge life.
There have been over forty million abortions since Roe v. Wade--many children.[6] So their consciousness cannot in good conscience be less considered than has been true in Schiavo. Brain waves are recorded at 22 weeks gestation, and by 24 readings are increasingly like newborns.[7]
While I was a student at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in the 1970's I observed as we reproduced our body characteristics unintentionally while we viewed a model.
Development in utero is intrinsic in the development of human personality. It was the personality of Terry Schiavo which sparked sentiment, and plagued her angry husband who insisted she was dead. So the advent of unusual mechanisms to maintain life has instituted more involved measures to quantify life.[8] We are looking at the unborn intently. And the means to take life are being examined. Devaluing a person, in the beginning of life, the end, or between, cannot be taken lightly. Life and death questions are God-fearing ones. So in defense of unborn children, consider that while I was a student at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in the 1970's I observed as we reproduced our likeness innately while we viewed a model. Drawings depict artists' expression. And children depict their likeness I believe in their work.
Like we had in art school, children draw body characteristics parallel to their body development in the womb.
Early in creative development, as if in conjunction with in utero neurological development, children's figure drawings indicate bodily characteristics parallel to their developing body. The physical addition of body parts in children's drawings parallels the stages of the development of the human body. Children's drawings include the circular form for the head that is developed by the addition of arms attached, legs attached, later a small body that enlarges, as the arms are moved to the torso. There comes a point where children begin "baseline drawing," where a figure that has been floating takes a position on the bottom of the page where a line indicating gravity has been drawn.[9] This sequence depicts the developmental stages of the human body, conveys the realization of gravity, and parallels the neurological development intrinsic with the development of consciousness, that development which is taking place in early stages. Children's art conveying these things must be considered where the enigma forms the basis of childhood developmental psychology.[10] The "draw a man test" signifies the understanding that the sequence of tadpole drawings is so pervasive that it spans across decades in research.[11]
As Viktor Lowenfeld stated in Creative and Mental Growth,
"Although it is not clear just how the person symbol originates, the universality of the circle for the head and the two lines representing legs gives support to the notion that this is somehow biological in nature; that is all children, either through their sight, hand control, or cognitive development, make surprisingly similar configurations for a person. This is true for children from cultures as diverse as Australian Aborigines and United States Middle Class (Brittain, 1985.) Golomb's studies (1977) of the representational development of the human figure found no differences attributable to socioeconomic or cultural influences."[12]
Children draw figures that are a depiction of their development in utero I believe because the conscious children that experience the development are retelling that experience in their drawings. Their lives are precious, valuable, created in God's image, and should be celebrated, honored and protected (Genesis 1:26).
[1] "The Right to Life Act of 2005," The Conservative Voice; available from; Internet; accessed 5 March 2006.
[2] "Terri Schivo's 2002 CT scan," The Abrams Report, MSNBC; available from; Internet; accessed 12 February 2008.
[3] Neal Grossman, Ph.D., "What Happens When We Die: A Philosophical Series, My Beliefs About Life After Death," Journal of Religion & Psychical Research, 4; Mally Cox-Chapman, The Case for Heaven: Near-Death Experiences as Evidence of the Afterlife (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1995).
[4] "Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States," Guttmacher Institute, January 2008; available from; Internet; accessed 12 February 2008; Gregg Easterbrook, "Abortion and Brain Waves," New Republic 222, no. 5 (1 January 2000): 21-25.
[5] "The Right to Life Act of 2005," The Conservative Voice.
[6] Phillip Levine, "Is There Any Substance to the 'Roe Effect?'" Society 42, no. 5 (July/August 2005): 15-17.
[7] Gregg Easterbrook, "Abortion and Brain Waves," New Republic, 21-25.
[8] Eric Cohen and Leon Kass, "Cast Me Not Off in Old Age," Commentary 121, no. 1 (January 2006): 32-39.
[9] Viktor Lowenfeld, Creative and Mental Growth (New York: Macmillan, 1987), 223.
[10] Maureen Cox, Children's Drawings of the Human Figure (East Sussex, UK: Lawrence Erlbaum Associated Ltd., 1993); Richard Gregory, Oxford Companion to the Mind (New York: Oxford, 1987), 101-110, 135-138.
[11] Marvin Simner, "School Readiness and the Draw-A-Man Test: An Empirically Derived Alternative to Harris' Scoring System," Journal of Learning Disabilities 18, no. 2 (February 1985).
[12] Lowenfeld, Creative and Mental Growth, 223.
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