Wednesday, May 28, 2008


The relationship Adam and Eve experienced had been ideal--Eve a gift. Sin entered, and the relationship God created had been challenged, but it did not alter the character of the marriage relationship described in the New Testament. The Apostle Paul expressed, "It is better to marry than to burn," with passion (I Corinthians 7:9).

Occasionally there are expressions conveyed indicating misperception regarding the passion God created, and the Apostle Paul noted. At times it is cited as sin or excess. But the passion God instituted before the fall created a picture of Christ and the church (Ephesians 5:32). Adam and Eve were healthy. The idyllic couple was a picture of human perfection. In the Biblical picture, God intended great intimacy, called "very good," along with other aspects of the idyllic creation (Genesis 1:31). The fit, trim, healthy pair were to "replenish" the Earth (Genesis 1:28).

Challenges today oppose the Biblical picture. There are encroachments--a wrong spirit--likening attractive men and women in categories based on error. Assent toward evil is at times seen in the church as self-controlled attractive women and men are categorized as pornographic. But it is incongruous.

"Fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy " (Ezekiel 16:49). The askew standards sexually had been accompanied by obesity, like trends in America.

Those controlled in their diet and fit as men and women living in self-control after the likeness of Eden are God's intention where they are living in godly morality rather than after the evil by which they are at times labeled. Like in Sodom, a sin in the Earth has been homosexuality, yet there had been other sins, "fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy " (Ezekiel 16:49).[1] The askew standards sexually had been accompanied by obesity, like trends in America.[2] Lack of self-control, in overeating and in immorality, went hand in hand.

Yet sexuality is God's turf. Being fit, trim and healthy should bring to mind godly pictures seen in creation, not evil ones demons conjure.

[1] Sodomites, as noted in Genesis 19, were stalking, breaking in, seeking to sodomize targeted individuals (Genesis 19:4, 5, 9). They were apparently raping, sodomizing, attempting to force their way into houses. They were judged with blindness, smote by angels (Genesis 19:11). And they were judged with fire and brimstone (Genesis 19:24). They were most likely religious (Genesis 11:4, 8). And the religious individual plotting to sodomize those targeted and labeled as fair game fits the description of the Sodomite. They are abusers (I Corinthians 6:9). Sodomite predators do a great deal of damage, hence God's severe judgment is poured out, and will be poured out (Genesis 19:24, Luke 17:29-30).
[2]Nanci Hellmich, "Study finds 'mind-boggling' increase in morbidly obese," USA Today (10 April 2007); available from; Internet; accessed 18 August 2007.